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الخميس، 9 نوفمبر 2017

Aspirin: Does It Help Or Hurt Cats?

By Robin Setser

The details regarding aspirin & feline health may not be well-known by most. Pet owners probably know about the positive impact of aspirin on human health, headache relief being just one of many examples. However, the benefits that this medication can offer cats may not be as well-known. Should aspirin be given at all, in fact? Here are just a few things you should know so that, as a pet owner, you can become better informed.

For cautious pet owners, aspirin is a big no-no. It's easy to see why, seeing as how the biology of cats and humans differ. According to companies such as Assisi Animal Health, cats cannot break down the contents of aspirin as effectively as humans can. What this means is that, if pet owners aren't careful, different side effects can arise. These can usually be traced back to the administration of foreign medication, which aspirin falls under.

While we may be confident in knowing what our pets need, veterinary care is recommended. You should bring up the topic of aspirin to your vet so that he or she will be able to provide a more informed point of view. In fact, before you even think about administering this medicine, said point of view is necessary. You don't want to go into this blind and this added effort on your end can provide invaluable insight.

Once your veterinarian tells you that aspirin can be used, you should be mindful of how often it's given. Much like with people, doses should be moderated as closely as possible. This isn't the type of medication that should be given on a daily basis. It's also worth noting the potential problems that can arise, no matter how minimal. You can never be too careful, so get in touch with your vet to see what can be done.

While aspirin might be safe to give to certain cats, understand that it's a short-term solution more than anything else. What this means is that you cannot use it as a crutch, as more extensive medical care will be needed. This is why getting in touch with your veterinarian is vital. By understanding the care that your pet needs, you'll be able to take the right steps to get there. Aspirin can help, but it's not the final solution.

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