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الثلاثاء، 31 يوليو 2018

Tips To Ensure Your Heating And Air Conditioning Unit Doesn't Put You At Risk

By Kenneth Gray

Just as air travel transformed the world into a global village, it can also be argued that indoor climate control is the cornerstone of modern civilization. As a combined solution, heating and air conditioning PA sustains densely-packed metropolitan areas just as it does the population of regions with extreme climates. As such, it shouldn't come as a surprise that your HVAC equipment is the hardest working appliance in your home. Also obvious is the fact that you pay a ton of attention to how well it performs in creating an ambient temperature. But have you ever thought about the quality of air the system distributes inside your home?

Think that air pollution is strictly an outdoor issue? Think again. This notion has been debunked by a handful of studies, with some showing that indoor air can be much more polluted than that found outside. To make matters worse, the elements responsible for this aren't as visible as their outdoor equivalents. Much to your relief, however, there are steps you could take to improve your indoor air quality:

Control Moisture Levels: Like most other homeowners, you already know that mold tends to flourish in humid environments. What you might not have realized is that insufficient moisture also carries its fair share of problems. This means your focus should be on balancing humidity levels in your home, rather than to limit them. Faced with such a tricky task, you're better off investing in a whole-house dehumidifier.

Wash Fabrics Regularly: Granted, no level of cleanliness can guarantee the absence of toxins in fabrics. This is due to the numerous kinds of pollutants that fabrics can collect, plus the sheer number of ways they can be introduced. It's this combination of factors that necessitates frequent cleaning; this prevents allergens from accumulating to unhealthy levels.

Utilize Houseplants: To be more specific, make use of clean air plants. These include Gerber daisies, Chinese evergreens and weeping fig, a few of the species known to possess air filtration capabilities. Besides sucking up toxins from air to improve its quality, they'll also make your home more welcoming.

Switch to HEPA Filters: Regular AC filters are designed primarily to safeguard the equipment, rather than human health. More specifically, they're meant to catch large particles before they get to the unit. Upgrading is thus crucial in keeping pollutants of all sizes out of your space. It's worth noting that this doesn't extend to HEPA-type varieties.

Choose Detergents Carefully: It's been studied that cleaners account for the largest share of the pollutants found in a typical home. More noteworthy is the fact that (most of) them can be substituted with hot water combined with household ingredients such as baking soda and coarse salt. Otherwise, steer clear of anything that contains harsh chemicals.

Overall, comfort shouldn't come at the expense of indoor air quality as far as the performance of your HVAC equipment is concerned. And while there's much you can do to keep contaminants out of your living space, scheduling a regular IAQ evaluation would be a prudent move on your part. Combined with proper maintenance, this will keep your system functioning in tandem with your efforts.

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