الجمعة، 20 أبريل 2018

How To Deal With A Teenager Broken Heart As A Parent

By Melissa Gray

It can be hard for a young adult to go through a breakup. While some will bounce back within no time, it can take a while for others to recover. This can be pretty hard for you to deal with as a parent. There are a couple of things that you should do or avoid doing when dealing with teenager broken heart.

The first thing that you need to do is to allow your child to handle the situation on their own without your interference. Since they are growing up, they have to learn to deal with such challenges in their life. It might be tempting for you to try and work out things for them but this is not advisable. Give them space to deal with their emotions as they try to figure out what next.

You are most likely going to want to have a discussion about the issue. However, if your child is not ready to have a conversation about this, do not push them. But you can let them know that when they are ready, you will be willing to listen. When they discuss the problem with you, don't be judgmental or be too quick to speak. Just listen and give your support.

If you have given your adolescent time and they do not seem to get better, it might be time to get them help. It's okay for them to be withdrawn and down for a while, but if it seems to excessive, all might not be well. If they continue mopping around for a long time and won't come out of their bad mood, you might suggest that they go for professional counseling.

Do not minimize their experience. Don't tell them that they are too young and they will soon forget about their love. While this might be true, it is not what they want to hear at this point. Validate their feelings by acknowledging that what they are going through is real.

People respond differently to break ups. Just because one of your children reacted in certain ways does not mean that all your children will respond in the same way. Let each one of them deal with the situation in their own way.

Don't take sides. Don't attack the other person and start calling them names. It might make your child to get defensive of that person. Also, do not get in touch with their partner and try to talk to them or rebuke them for what they have done. This will make your child very uncomfortable.

Let the person mourn their relationship. Mourning is a process, since they will need to move through the various grief stages until they reach the acceptance stage. So, don't push them to recover fast but let them process things in their own time.

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